Abstract Submission Form

1) Complete all parts of the form below
2) Click the SUBMIT ABSTRACT button
  For questions or assistance please contact: Mary Novack at 718-578-4658

1) Contact Person

First Name: 
Last Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Country (if not U.S.):
E-mail : 
Telephone #: 

2) Type of abstract:
Paper Only    Poster Only    Both (you will present a paper and poster for this abstract)

3) Criteria

a) Is this the first time that this material is to be presented at a formal industry gathering?
All work must be original and unpublished. No materials should be submitted that have been
previously presented or published or are planned to be presented before the conference.


If NO, please provide details on where it was previously presented or where it is planned to be presented:

b) Will the presentation be of interest to a large proportion of the audience? What “critical” issue does this address?

c) What is the potential long-term benefit to the industry?

4) Title
Please note: If your paper/poster is accepted, this is the title that will appear on the conference website, Mobile App and other places.
Please double-check it for accuracy.

5) Author(s)
Please note: If your paper/poster is accepted, the author names will appear on the conference website and Mobile App.
Please double-check them for accuracy.

First Name
Last Name

6) ABSTRACT In 250-500 words, please describe your paper/poster submission.

For Posters only: If accepted, your poster abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Please double-check it for accuracy in grammar and spelling before submitting.
Also, review CPI's Antitrust Guidelines to avoid time-consuming edits during the legal review process.

7) *Select up to 2 categories that you feel your abstract should be included in:
*Final category assignment will be made by the Session Organizers and/or Poster Chairs

Session 1:

Session 2: